Sunday, June 23, 2013

Adventures at the National Aviary

Summer is officially here in Pittsburgh, and I'm LOVING it! Joe is hating the heat, but I'm soaking up as much of it as possible since I know I'm only going to get a few months of warm weather before it starts turning cool again. The Beaver farmers' market has started offering some really good produce so we're stocking up on the home grown stuff while we can get it. Makes me want a yard even more so I can start growing my own fruits and veggies!

We went to Beaver on Friday to see what progress had been made on the house. They had run all of the ducts through the ceiling and some of the electrical wires, but it didn't look like they had finished all of it. The project manager also called and said that our closing date had been pushed back to some time around August 12th (used to be mid to late July) but we don't have an explanation yet of why that happened. Our pre drywall walkthrough is scheduled for Wednesday of next week, so hopefully we'll get some answers then. I'm so ready for the house to be finished!!!

While we were in Beaver, we grabbed some dinner and visited a carnival that was in town. They had set up camp in the main park at the center of town - the combination of the carnival music, warm breeze, and fireflies made for the quintessential summer night :-)

On Saturday, we went to the national aviary in downtown Pittsburgh. The penguins were my favorite - they were so friendly!

Here are some of our other favorites :-)

We ran into this cute pair of Scissortails! Made me feel like I was back in Oklahoma
Now it's back to the daily grind! Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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