Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Pittsburgh Zoo and other adventures

Last Saturday the weather here was GORGEOUS so Joe and I decided to go to the zoo (along with every other Pittsburgh resident and their children). We had a great time, despite having to pay $12.00 for a tiny bottle of sunscreen for Joe since we forgot his at home and he could get a sunburn in the shade on a cloudy winter's day :-) Here are some of our favorites from the zoo:

The polar bears were putting on quite a show for us at the window! It was very entertaining. Then I dropped Joe off to pick up his company car (which had just had its oil changed) and on the way to the apartment, someone decided it would be a good idea to rear-end me in my BRAND NEW CAR!!!

This was not a fantastic end to my Saturday :-(

Luckily, neither of us was hurt and he did have insurance, so I'm going to get an assessment on Thursday. 

I've also been working on coming up with stuff to sell in my upcoming Etsy store. Here are some Thunder necklaces I've been working on. I also made some Thunder earrings which I'm still tweaking... pictures to come.

And we didn't make it out to the house to check on its progress yet - we plan on making a trip out there next weekend. Hope no one else had any collisions this last weekend!

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