Sunday, May 12, 2013

We have a basement! (sort of)

Joe and I went out to the new house yesterday to check out the progress, and it looks like they were able to dig past the rock and get the entire basement dug out and the concrete walls in place. Hooray!

They're building our next door neighbor's house at the same time - it started just before ours. The last time we were at the property their house looked about like ours does now, and at this visit they had walls up so we're hoping that means we'll have walls in the next couple of weeks! All the lumber lying around their house looked like it was the roof pieces waiting to go up.

Yippee! We can't wait to have a house and yard for the dogs. I also can't wait to have a garden... everything is in full bloom here, and I want to plant flowers SO BAD!! My favorite flowers are lilacs - my grandma has a lilac bush in her back yard and I used to love going out in the spring to cut some of the flowers. They smell so heavenly! So as it turns out, everyone and their dog has HUGE beautiful lilac bushes up here, and I'm so dang jealous. So, the last few times we've gone past the empty lot across the street from our apartment complex I've noticed a gigantic old lilac bush in full bloom, with no one to enjoy it. I just couldn't let it go unnoticed, so Joe and I snuck over there and cut a few blooms down to bring in the apartment. Next spring I'm going to have one of my own - it's a must!!

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