Saturday, April 20, 2013

Baby Shower

I was so looking forward to going to Detroit and Tulsa/OKC this weekend to help host Joe's sister-in-law's baby shower and to see friends and family in Oklahoma, but alas it wasn't in the stars for me. Our dogs' bordatella vaccines ran out during our move to Pennsylvania and we just got them updated at the beginning of this week. Turns out (unlike in Oklahoma) Pennsylvania kennels WILL NOT ACCEPT dogs whose vaccines have been given within two weeks of their scheduled boarding time. No exceptions. We'd never had problems with that in Oklahoma so we naively thought it wouldn't be a problem. So, I'm now babysitting the two little stinkers and rather than showing lots of cute pics from the baby shower I'll just have to settle for sharing pictures of the baby shower prize bag goodies and presents for Angela and Chris that I made.

Luckily, Joe sent me some pictures of the shower so I have a few at least :-) The flower arrangements are especially impressive!

I decided to make all of the gifts for Chris and Angela, and luckily I got started on those early because some of them took a while! Lucky for me, it all fit inside of Joe's suitcase :-)

Sundresses and ruffled diaper cover
Baby headbands

Crochet baby blankets

Crochet baby orchid sandals

Daddy Doody Kit

For anyone who wants to try their hand at making these for a gift or for your own kiddos, here's the skinny on where I got all of the info to make everything:

Crochet blankets - I used this pattern for the scalloped edges, but for the main part of the blankets I used an alternating single crochet and half double crochet stitch (one row SC, next row HDC) using a size P hook and two strands of yarn. The smaller blanket measures about 34 inches across and the larger one is about 40 inches.

Crochet baby orchid sandals - I used this pattern but instead of using a snap for the closure, I used sewable velcro so the size could be adjusted. Just a forewarning, these take some time to do (that's an understatement, they're very involved. But very cute!)

Sundress and ruffled diaper cover - I used this tutorial for the diaper cover and this tutorial for the dresses.

Headbands - I purchased the supplies for the thicker ones at Hobby Lobby, and got all of the supplies for the skinny ones from this site. They even have an awesome tutorial that shows you exactly what you need and how to put it together here.

Daddy Doody Kit - Don't forget Dad at the shower! I used this post for instructions.

And I finished the baby shower prize gifts just in time to send them off with Joe - I was worried the oil from the scrubs would leak but I used a tip from and added some beeswax to them to help thicken them up before their flight. Apparently it worked, Joe said they got there in once piece!

Sorry I won't get to see my family and friends in Oklahoma this time around, but I'm hoping to make a trip down some time in May to say hello :-)

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