Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pin Testing - Mocha Frappuccino Face Mask/Scrub

I got my supplies in yesterday to make the facial mask and scrub for the baby shower, so here's my take on the original!

Mocha Frappuccino Face Mask/Scrub from Crunchy Betty - original post here

4 Tbsp organic ground coffee
3 Tbsp cocoa powder
1 Tbsp powdered honey granules - purchased from Amazon
1 Tbsp full fat powdered milk (original recipe calls for goat's milk, but I used regular) - purchased from Amazon

I purchased Boston Round 8 oz PET size 24 plastic bottles from Majestic Mountain Sage - they're $6.00 for a pack of ten and can be purchased here. I found that in order to fill one, I needed to double the recipe.

Start by mixing all ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. This smells heavenly!

Now, the hard part - getting it into the containers. I haven't gotten a funnel for the apartment yet and BOY would it have come in handy! I was finally able to make a paper funnel using a small piece of paper, but I would highly recommend using a regular funnel for this part. Just scoop the mixture into the bottle and voila!

One package of organic coffee (Wally World brand) filled up 6 and 1/2 of the 8 oz containers. 
I decided to try the mask since I had half of a bottle extra, so I followed the instructions from Crunchy Betty and mixed 2 tablespoons of the dry mask with water until I had a paste. Then I applied the mask and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

Looks scary, but it smells good!
Works like a charm! This is a very easy and quick (if you have a funnel) DIY project and it makes a neat gift. Try it out!

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