Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Projects + House Update

So the other day I got this idea that someone out there smarter than me had probably come up with some sort of recipe or alternative for Bare Minerals that didn't cost an arm and a leg. I started googling, and came across an article someone wrote about all of the various ingredients that are required to make your own mineral makeup and that they purchased them on Amazon. Luckily, they also mentioned that you can buy a pre-made kit on Amazon as well if you aren't interested in buying tons of bulk minerals. I decided to check it out, and being someone who's always looking for a deal, I googled the name of the kit to see if anyone had it cheaper. Turns out, the company who makes it has their own website and they sell it cheaper there. Yay!

The kit is called "Pure & Natural Makeup Kit" and is sold at You can find it here.

The kit comes with a makeup brush, powder container (with sifter that you can close!), pigment powder, mineral powder, and a scooping stick. After shipping, the kit costs about $50.00 and the description notes that you can make about 58 grams of powder foundation with it. I checked online, and each Bare Minerals container holds about 6 grams, so you can make almost 10 containers worth of foundation for a much cheaper price. Yippee! I read the reviews and they were good - people noted that the foundation was just what they expected and very reasonably priced. I just got the kit in today and I'm really excited to try it out! I ordered a mortar and pestle to crush the minerals with on Amazon for $8.00 and I'm still waiting for that to arrive, but I'll be sure to post my results as soon as I'm able to mix up my first batch :-)

Here's what the contents of the kit look like:

I also ordered some lip balm labels for some homemade peppermint lip balm I made for the baby shower, and I just printed them off. They look so good and they work much better than the regular matte label paper I tried using a few weeks ago. I bought the labels from - they're only a dollar per sheet (no minimum order) and you can use them on an inkjet printer! You can find them here

Here's how the lip balm tubes came out - I love them! is AWESOME - I ordered a bunch of jars and bottles to hold scrubs, lotions, etc that I'd like to make for holiday or birthday gifts and their prices are really reasonable. I should be getting my stuff in soon, so I'll be busy making lots of homemade goodies!

We also got good news on both housing fronts. Our house in Tulsa is moving forward with the contract that has been put on it, and the relocation company that will be purchasing it from us and selling it to the new buyers has accepted the offer that was put on it, so we will be traveling back to Oklahoma this month to get everything moved out and then we'll be able to wash our hands of it! Woo hoo! And, we found out that our new house here should officially go under construction on May 1st, and we'll have our pre-construction meeting on April 29th. I'm so ready for it to start being built!

And, the weather is FINALLY warm here in Pittsburgh... I think we are officially done with winter. Thank goodness :-)

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