Monday, April 15, 2013

Big News!

So as most of you probably already know, Joe proposed yesterday! We had a wonderful night celebrating our one year anniversary. Joe surprised me by taking me downtown for dinner - we started out by riding the Duquesne Incline up Mount Washington. The Duquesne Incline was built in 1877 and has a working museum at the top of the mountain where you can learn the history of the incline and see its working parts. Very neat for a history fanatic like me :-)

Then we walked up the hill to Point of View Park, the site of the "Point of View" statue sculpted by James West. It depicts George Washington and Seneca leader Guyasuta in the year 1770 meeting somewhere near the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers after fighting on opposing sides of the French and Indian War. We walked along a trail to the outlook area overlooking the west end of downtown, and that's where Joe gave me my ring!

Then we had dinner at the Grandview Saloon at the top of Mount Washington. We had a great view of downtown during dinner!

I even got some beautiful roses at home AND tulips and more roses at work. I'd say I made out pretty well!

I gave Joe some hard-to-find 16 1/2 37 Tall mens' dress shirts and some metal collar stays that were stamped to say "You are my favorite". The collar stays were purchased on Etsy here.

Joe liked his presents, but I think he won the gift-giving prize this time :-)