Monday, April 1, 2013

Birthday Fun :-)

Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful birthday wishes, I feel very loved! I had a great 25th birthday - got lots of beautiful flowers and got to Skype with my parents (and wish Phil a happy birthday too!) and my grandma. Always good to see friendly faces! We even had some sunshine in Pittsburgh today which has been a rare occurrence so far, so that was wonderful. 

Mom and Phil sent me some beautiful roses at the new office (the receptionist was very jealous)

And then I came home to more roses from Joe and some pretty pink tulips :-)

Joe took me to Olive Garden (my favorite restaurant) for dinner and then surprised me with a chocolate cake!

Then it was time to open presents! I asked for things from Etsy this year, so Joe got me a Kindle cover and necklace that I asked for. They're really cute!

The Kindle cover can be found here and the necklace here.

Hope everyone had a great April Fools day, I sure did!

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